前回『崇高なる使命』Last Time on“A Noble Mission”
The Melancholic Victory
(It is an emergency contact in the defense forces from Space Tau. Release the alert. Strategy end.)ζ「あぁ? 何言ってんのよこのニワトリ女!」
(Ah?What do you say? Chicken woman.)τ「!っ?」
(What meaning is it?)ζ「だからこの状況のどこが作戦終了だってのよ!ていうか今どこほっつき歩いてんのかな」
(Why is this situation called a strategy end? Where are it and you cutting it now?)η「ちょっと、ゼータ!…あの、すみません、さっきからずっと映像が…」
(Hey、Zeta!Wait. I'm sorry. We are looking at the image for a long time ahead.)Dr「あー、もうお前らちょっと黙れ!ていうかマイク勝手に使わんで欲しいんだがなー」
(Shut up a little. And, do not use my mike without permission.) τ「…どういうこと?」
(Yes. In short, the enemy is broadcasting the situation of the moon live. It is sent directly to the T.V. set of many parts of the world. Therefore, we cannot control the broadcasting while possible to be watched all over the world almost.)τ「なっ…」
(Really?) 続きを読む
- 2011/04/17(日) 00:46:51|
- スペースシスターズ
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