■前回「無垢なる悪魔」Last Time on "The Innocent Devil"Resolution of a Soldier(The First volume)
(You are, Space Beta?)β「?…ああ、あんたがカッパーか」
(? ...Ahh, you must be Space Kappa.)κ「そ。はじめまして」
(It is so. Nice to meet you)β「話は…」
(Did you hear our circumstances?)κ「電話でだいたい聞いたわ。スペースガンマ? いいコね。キミのことすごく心配してたよ」
( I heard the main points on the telephone. Space Gamma? Good girl. She worries about you very much.)β「たく、あいつは…あ、それで返事は?」
(Well. She is meddlesome... so, what's the answer?)κ「まぁ、だいたいOKなんだけど、ちょっと問題が…」
(It is OK. However, there is a problem. )β「え?」
(To tell you the truth I'm...ta, what is that!)β「うぁっ!マジかよ」
(Oh is it true?)β「ったく、こんな時に!話は後だな」
(The monster's coming out at such time : surely. I'll have to hear this later.)κ「そのようね」
(Looks like it. )κ「あ、やっぱり先に言っとくけど…」
(Ah, as I was saying eariler...)β「?」
(To tell you the truth, I'm not a very good team player.)β「…そうか、じゃ、気が合いそうだな」
(...is that so, then,you will get along very well with me. )κ「あは…そう返されたの初めて!」
(Aha...that's the first time such an answer was returned.)「いくぞ!スペース エボリューション!」
(Let's go. Space Evolution!) 続きを読む
- 2008/10/24(金) 02:23:12|
- スペースシスターズ
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