前回「確固たる正義(PART1~4)」Last Time on "Steady justice"
A Noble Mission(Prologue)
(The attack of Space Gamma tore up the monster. However, the tentacle of the monster that got excited because it received the wound at the next moment twined around her all together.) スペースガンマはまとわりつく触手に無抵抗のまま身体を預ける
(Space Gamma twined the tentacle around the body like the nonresistance.) γ「っ…気持ち悪ぃ…我慢…あ、あと一本ですっ…」
(It is yucky. However, I should endure one another.) γ「よし、離れました!」
(It is a success, and all tentacles have parted.) 怪獣の全ての触手がガスタンクから離れたのを確認すると、スペースガンマは怪獣ごと空へ飛び上がった。
(Space Gamma confirmed all tentacles of the monster had parted from the gasholder. And, she flew up to the sky with the monster.)コンビナートから離れた埋め立て地ではスペースベータとミューが待ち構える。
(Space Beta and Myuu waited for her in a reclaimed ground away from the industrial complex.)β「よし、いいぞガンマ。そのままそいつをこっちに…」
(A good Gamma was done well. Carry the monster as it is so that we are near.)μ「ちょ、なんや様子おかしいんちゃう?」
(Look, and her appearance is amusing.)μ「うわ…やっぱりあかんわ。街の方に向かってるで!」
(This is not good. She is flying toward the town.)β「なっ?!…おい!ガンマどうした!」
(What? Well.What does Gamma do?)μ「あ、あれちゃう? あの怪獣も飛べるとか…」
(Can that monster fly over the sky possibly, too?)β「!」
(Stop! Wait for a little!)β「ガンマぁぁーっ!」
(Space Beta went out to rescue Space Gamma. However, bubble mucus is suddenly discharged from the tentacle of the monster, and she has bathed in it straight.)β「か…はぅ…身体が…う…動けねぇ…」
(Kah...Hau..My...body is numb...and it is not possible to...move.)怪獣の粘液を浴びたスペースベータの全身は痺れ、動きが鈍った。そして…
(The whole body of Space Beta that bathes in the mucus of the monster is numb, and movement has become duller. And …)「キュケケケケーッ!」
(Don't... touch me... Release... me.Ah...Aaaaah!)怪獣はスペースベータを触手の虜にすると凄まじい怪力で締め付けた。必死の抵抗もむなしくベータもガンマ同様、やがて意識を失った。
(When Space Beta was made a prisoner with the tentacle, the monster was tightened by terrific marvelous physical strength. Space Beta lost consciousness before long as well as Gamma though she was desperately resisted.)μ「やめんかいこのエロタコがーっ!スペースビーム・バブルっ!」
(Stop sexual harassment! Dirty-minded octopus! Space*Beam*Bubble!) 「グギェェェーッ」
(The monster felt the danger of the body in the attack of Space Myuu. When it returned to the industrial complex with Gamma and Beta gripped, the monster took up one's position again at the gasholder.)μ「こ、こらぁ!汚いぞタコ…そこどかんかいボケェ!」
(What an unfair octopus it is! Leave there!) コンビナートからやや離れた場所では、スペースゼータが戦闘の一部始終を見守っていた。
(Space Zeta watched a full detail of the combat in a place a little away from the industrial complex.)ζ「まずいな…イータ、映像見てる? 作戦失敗かな。あのタコチューけっこう頭良いよ、どうする?」
(This is not good. Eta,Do you see the image? The strategy seems to have failed. That octopus monster is considerably smart. How should I do?)η「すみません!まさか飛べるとは…」
(I'm sorry. I never thought that the monster was able to fly.) ζ「あやまらなくていいから、なにか対策無いの?」
(It is not necessary to apologize. Are not there from it any measures?)η「す…すみません…」
(I'm sorry.)θ「ま、こうなっては仕方ありませんわね。そろそろわたくしの出番かしら」
(It is reluctant when becoming it so. It might be my turn more and more.)ζ「お嬢、それは無い、かな…」
(Lady,I don't think that there is your turn.)θ「なっ、なんですって? どういう意味ですの!」
(What? What meaning is it?)ζ「悪ぃ、そういう意味じゃなくて…ボクちゃん来たから」
(I'm sorry it is not had a mind to insult you. It is because the boyish girl came.)スペースビーム・アーマーに身を包んだスペースイオタが駆けつけた。
(Space Iota that put on Space*Beam*Armor came for support.)ι「ボクが手伝うよ」
(I help.)μ「あ、自分ちょっと待ちや、ガスタンクあるから攻撃できへんで」
(Ah,Wait for a little, and do not attack it because there is a gasholder.)ι「うん、わかってる」
(OK,I understand)スペースイオタは両手の武器を交差させ強烈な光を発した。
(Space Iota intersected arms of both hands and originated the strong glare.)「キュクェェェェェーッ!」
(The monster ran about trying to escape from light that Iota originates while screaming.)μ「あ、なるほど。光が嫌いなんや」
(Indeed,That monster dislikes light.)ι「うん。誘導するのはあっちでいい?」
(It is so. Is it good there to induce the monster?)μ「あ、頼むわ…それよりあの二人やな。はよ助けな…」
(Yes, it asks. We should help those two girls earlier than it.)そのとき
(That time just...)β「く…うぉらぁぁぁーっ!」
(Because the power of the tentacle of the monster became weak because of dazzling light, Space Beta has regained consideration. She shook off the tentacle in the last power, and hit eye of the monster the punch.)「ギェェェェーッ」
(Intense damage is undertaken, and the tentacle of the monster has loosened. It attached and Space Beta succeeded in the escape holding Gamma at the chance momentarily. The monster started running away at full speed.)β「ミュー…頼…む」
(Myuu,It leaves it to you now.)μ「まかしとき!スペースビーム・バブル!」
(Leave it to me. Space*Beam*Bubble!) μ「逃がさへんでぇ~、特大タコ焼き、いっちょあがりや!」
(I don't let you go, and I make you to“TAKOYAKI”of the outsize!)「ギュゲェェェェーッ!」
(The monster exploded and disappeared.)μ「どないや!」
(I did!)ι「…タコ焼きは…サイズ変えられないと思う」
(The size is sure not to be changed into the dish named“TAKOYAKI”.)μ「ちょ!そこツッコむとこちゃうやろ!」
(Don't point out there.)ζ「ただいま」
(I'm home.)η「す、すみません!私のせいで…」
(I'm sorry. It is my responsibility.)μ「いや、あやまらんでええから…ガンちゃん寝かすから毛布用意して」
(No, the necessity is not in the apology. Prepare the blanket because Gamma is put to sleep from it.)γ「あ…私なら…大丈夫です…」
(If it is me, I'm safe.)θ「まぁ今回は40点といったところですわね…わたくし抜きにしては良くやれた方ですけど、イオタが来なければどうなってたか…」
(This fight is grading about 40 points. You held out to I not was. However, if Iota doesn't come, you are likely not to have been able to win.)θ「…って、何ですのこの臭いはっ!」
(Oh! What is this stink?)β「ああ、悪いな。シャワー浴びてくるわ」
(Ah,it is a liquid of the monster. I go to wash my body in the shower.)π「ベータ! おかえり!ねぇ、パイえらかったよ。ちゃんとおるすばんしててすごくえらかったんだよ!」
(Beta! Welcome home. Hear, and I am excellent. The house sitting was done as it was an order.)β「ああ、偉かったな、パイ」
(Yes, Pie is excellent.)π「うん!あのねっ!パイはベータのことだいすきだからベータのいうことならなんでもするんだよ」
(It is so. If I am Beta's instruction because I love Beta, I follow it anything.)β「ああ…ほら、そんなにくっついたらお前まで汚れちまうだろ…しかたねぇ、いっしょに風呂入るか」
(I has understood. Even you are dirty when clinging to me so much. Let's be other way, and step into a bath together.)π「うん!」
(It's glad!) あれから、どのくらいたったんだろ…
(How much time passed from that?...) スペースガンマです。えっと、何から話せばいいのでしょうか…あれは、あの日から数日後…
(Everybody, I'm Space Gamma. From what should I speak? It is a story after several days from that day...) …そう、ラムダさんと別れ、異星人の本拠から脱出した数日後、改めて私たちはプシィさん、イオタさんと面会した。
(So...We separated from Space Lambda, and escaped from the base of aliens. several days after that. We saw Space Pushii and Iota again.) プシィさんはスペースタウとの決着はついたと言い、直接タウ達に戦いを挑まない限りは私たちの行動に干渉しないという約束を取り付けてきた。タウとの全面対決を覚悟していた私たちには予想外だったけど、戦いを避けられるならそれに越したことはないと、結局反対意見は出なかった。
(Pushii says that the conclusion with Space Tau attached, and has obtained the promise "She doesn't interfere in our behavior as long as we do not challenge Tau to a fight directly".It was said it was good if the fight was avoided all though it was unexpected for us who was determining the overall confrontation with Tau, and, after all, the dissenting opinion did not go out.)ψ「お互い目的が地球防衛なら、争う必要はない…これは建前。本音を言えばタウはお前達を脅威と見なしていない、ということだぞ。わかるか?」
(It is not necessary to fight if it is the earth defense as which a purpose each other is the same. This is a polite fiction. Tau is not to think you to be a threat if it expresses the true feelings. Do you understand?) プシィさんによれば、現代に覚醒したスペースシスターズである私たちの能力は、古代のオリジナルに遠く及ばないのだという。少なからずショックだったけど、これで納得できた気がする。オメガ様は気づいていた。だから本当は私たちを戦わせたくなかったんだろう…仲間を待てと言っていたのもプシィさんや、死んだユプサイランさんのことだったんだろう。
(The abilities of us who is Space Sisters who awoke at the present age seem to be much lower than that of an ancient original according to Pushii's explanation.I was able to consent by this though I was shock in no small way. As for Space Omega, she might had known this.Therefore, she might not have wanted to have us fight in the real intention.It might have indicated Pushii and dying Yupusairan though she was telling it to make the companion wait.) 続けて古代の戦いのいきさつも教えてもらった。
(Pushii continuously taught details of an ancient war.) 「宇宙の支配」を命令されたオメガ様は初めてマスターに逆らった。それに怒ったマスターは従わなければスペースシグマに地球を破壊させると脅し、あくまで拒否したオメガ様はマスターを殺しシグマを封印。残る22人のスペースシスターズと戦うことになった。
(Omega to which "Conquest and rule of space" was ordered acted against Master for the first time.Master was angry because of it. And, he said that the earth was destroyed to Space Sigma if she did not follow him and threatened her.Omega refused to the end killed Master and sealed Sigma. Therefore, she will fight with 22 Space Sisters.) 戦いの中でプシィさんとユプサイランさんはオメガ様に同調し離反、タウ、ファイ、カイの三人をなんとか封印し宇宙に追放したことでようやく戦いは終わった。
(Pushii and Yupusairan tuned to the idea of Omega and betrayed their ally in the fight.At last, they ended the combat because it managed to seal three...Tau, Fai, and Kai, and they banished them to space.) タウ達の封印には期限があり、遠い将来とはいえ再戦は避けられない。しかしこの戦いで下級戦士のほとんどは死亡し、唯一生き残ったイオタさんも瀕死の状態だった。
(It has been understood that the re-war will not be avoided though it is a far future because there is a time limit in Taus' seals.However, most of the lower class soldier died of this war. And, Iota that survived only was in the state of the neardeath, too.Pushii decided to start keeping Iota, and forging as a soldier.And, Yupusairan who had lost one's eyesight by the fight decided to learn the technique for supplementing the handicap. They promised reunion with Omega externals and started on a journey to space.Omega externals and sealed Sigma the key of an own body. And, she concealed the ability of 16 dying soldiers in earthling's gene and waited for awaking.) 誤算は、タウ達の封印が予測より早く解けたことだった。
(Their miscalculations are to be able to solve Taus' seals earlier than the forecast.) その日から、私たちは地球の防衛に専念することにした。といっても、そう頻繁に怪獣や宇宙人が出るわけでもなく、交代で周辺をパトロールしたり、情報を交換しあう程度ののんびりした日がほとんどだけど。
(We decided to concentrate on the defense of the earth on the day.However, also because neither the monster nor the space alien go out frequently so, we alternatively patrol the surrounding, and are spending every day only of the exchange of information each other peacefully in many cases.On the other hand, Tau seem to be making cooperation with the defense corps close, and the invader repulse is reported by news well.I think it should be unskillfully unremarkable now feeling our activity they are secretly hiding completely themselves.) ブシィさんたちは基本的に防衛隊に協力しているようだけど、私たちが苦戦している時には助けてくれることが多い。いつ見てもイオタさんの戦闘力には驚かされる。
(Pushii seem to be cooperating in the defense corps basically. However, when we fight hard, they often help us.It is surprised by the height of Iota's fighting power whenever it sees.) シータさんたちとも当初は別行動だったけど、協力しているうちに気がつけばいつも一緒に戦うようになっていた。特にシータさんはいつの間にか完全にこっちで生活しているような…やっぱり、人間に戻れなくなったことで実家と上手くいってないらしい…
(If we noticed while frequently cooperating, we fought against Sheeta's group at first always together though it was separate action.Especially, Sheeta thinks that it lives completely in our base before one is aware. After all, after becoming impossible for people to return it, it seems not to be able to be good of her with her family each other.) そしてパイちゃんは…タウか防衛隊の監視下に置く案も出たけど、ベータさんが断固反対して、何かあった時は全責任を負うということでうちで預かっている。最初は私のことを怖がっていたけど今はすっかりなついてくれている…このコが、あんな恐ろしいことをしたなんてとても信じられない。けど…
(And, Pie...Beta opposed it with determined though the idea that handed her over to Tau and the defense forces came out. And, she is keeping her by the promise of assuming all responsibilities when there are some troubles.She completely takes to me now though she feared me first.I cannot believe doing of this girl such a frightening action very much. However, there were these kind of things of a certain day.)π「パイわるくないよ…わるくないんだよ…おさらがかってにおちたんだよ」
(I am not bad. This plate dropped without permission and it cracked.)γ「あのね、パイちゃん、悪いとか悪くないじゃないのよ。お皿は割れちゃったらもう使えないでしょ。だからお皿さんにごめんなさいって言うの。」
(Pie-chan,hearing well. It doesn't relate whether you are bad or not bad. It becomes impossible to use this plate by cracking. Apologize“I'm sorry”to the plate therefore.)π「おさらさん、ごめんなさいっていったら…おこらない?」
(If I apologize, isn't this plate angry?)γ「ええ、パイちゃんが心からごめんなさいって言ったら、きっと許してくれるよ」
(Yes, if Pie-chan apologizes sincerely, this plate will surely permit.)π「…ごめんなさい…おさらさん…わっちゃってごめんなさい」
(I'm sorry for plate. I'm sorry for breaking you.)γ「えらいね、パイちゃん。さ、かたづけよ」
(Pie-chan is excellent. Now let's put it in order.)π「…ごめんなさい…おうちをいっぱいこわしちゃって…ごめんなさい…ロウをころしちゃって…ごめんなさい…ちゅーくんたちをころしちゃってごめんなさい…みどりのおねえさんころして…ごめんなさい…それから…えっと…」
(I'm sorry for houses. I'm sorry for breaking a lot of houses. I'm sorry for killing Rou. I'm sorry for killing rats. I'm sorry for killing...a green elder sister. I'm sorry for...another...)γ「…憶え…てるの?」
(Is everything memorized?) 若干の不安はあったものの、なんとなくこんな毎日がいつまでも続くような気がしていた。あの事件が起こるまでは…
(I thought that such every day was unending somehow though there were some uneasiness. Until that event happens...)ψ「邪魔するぞ…緊急召集だ」
(I'm sorry for suddenly coming. It is urgent summons.)次回に続く
- 2009/12/11(金) 00:44:23|
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