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A Noble Mission(PART-4)
(Space Sisters came for the processing of the antigravity bomb set to the surface of the moon. Zerottos the monster appeared in front of them. Faint light lit up in the intraoral of the monster stopping like aiming at their prey.)ψ「来るぞ!散れ!」
(The attack will come. Scatter!)『グェォォォォーッ!』
(Space Sisters who received the strong blitz shot from the mouth of Zerottos were blown off at once.)ν「ぅ…えぇっ!」
(Gu...Are you safe?)傷ついたスペースニューを咄嗟にかばい、ベータは背中に深いダメージを負った。
(Space Beta's back was so injured because she protected damaged Space Nu by her body.) すかさず2人を狙って振り下ろされる巨大な尻尾。
(A huge tail of the monster promptly was lowered aiming at two girls.)ν「ひっ!」
(Pushii and Fai saved those three girls.)μ「それ小さい矢もあるんや…」
(you can use such a small arrow?)ψ「連射は効くが威力は期待できなくてな…それより下がってろ、すぐ次が来るぞ」
(This arrow is weak power however it can be successive discharge. Retreat because of it. The following attack comes soon.)『グゥギィァァァァーッ!』
(In addition, Zerottos attacked by intense blitz. Space Sisters were not able to find the beginning of the counteroffensive.)ψ「こりゃ結構骨だぞ…どうやらこいつが奴らのメインイベントらしいな。リーダー、どうする?」
(We can't fight this monster considerably easily. Apparently, it seems to be their main event. Leader, how should we do?)τ「…タダ観のギャラリーにサービスしてやる義理はないわ」
(There is no obligation that we give service to the gallery watching free of charge.)τ「スペースビーム・フェザー!」
(Yes ma'am! Space*Beam...)ν「イリュージョン!」
(Nu made the illusions of Space Sisters.)「べーぇ!っだ」
(Come on!)『グェアアアアーッ!』
(Nu took the illusions, flew at a blistering speed, and left. However, Zerottos beated ground by huge tail. The gigantic body was jumping by using the reactionary, and Nu chased by it.)β「くっ…待…」
(We need not run after them.)β「…おとり、かよ…」
(Is she a decoy?)τ「…だよね。先を急ぐわ。全員位置に着け」
(That's right. We must hurry. All members, put on each position.)θ「お断りですわ」
(I refuse it.)τ「?」
(because the earthly doom hangs, I become silent and helped you. However, I am disgusted at you.)θ「どうやら貴女、はなからリーダーの器では無かったようですわね…そんなやり方で地球を守っても誇りは守れませんことよ。わたくしはここで失礼させて頂きますから…どうぞご勝手に名誉の戦死扱いにでもなさいませ」
(I seem you are not qualified of the leader apparently. Even if the earth is defended by such a way, our boast will be lost. I secede here. You may call me "the dead with honor on the battlefield".) θ「貴女方も、ご自分たちでお考えになった方がよろしくてよ。誰がリーダーにふさわしいのか…」
(You will have to also think it yourself. Who is suitable for the leader of us?)ゼロットスの去った方向へ飛び去るシータ
(Sheeta was flying out into the direction of Zerottos.) φ「はは、言うわねぇ」
(haha, She is bold.)β「…」
(Beta had started silently running after Sheeta, and she was stopped by Myuu.)μ「自分、最後まで見極めるつもりで参加したんやろ? まだ、キレたらあかん…お嬢ちゃんらあたしが見とくから、な」
(You participated because you want to ascertain it to the last minute? If so, you must not get angry yet. I watch lady and them.)μ「じゃ、ゴメンやけどあたしもちょっと死んでくるんで…あ、あれやったら香典振り込んどいて…はは、さすがにシャレならんか…ほな、さいなら!」
(Then, I become the dead, too. I'm sorry. You may pay me the incense money? The joke is indeed improper. Good-bye.)τ「…これより目標へ直行する。総員続け!」
(Hereafter, we go directly to the target. All members, continue to me!)一方、地下洞窟の敵を倒したスペースイプシロン、デルタ、そしてガンマは…
(At that time, Space Epsilon, Delta, and Gamma in underground cave that defeated the enemy were...)γ「ぁ…あの…」
(I'm sorry!)ε「…」
(Epsilon-san, you were going to avoid Delta because and to defeat only the enemy from the beginning. I had misunderstanding and obstructed you. However, you helped me.)γ「あの…私…」
(I'm so...)ε「黙って」
(Be silent.)γ「え?あ、すみませ…」
(Turn down.)γ「ぇ?…ひゃっ!」
(Suddenly, the crowd of the mechanical tentacles attacked them from all directions all together. However, it beated at once by Epsilon's counterattack and they were crushed.)ε「そこ!」
(You are there!)倒れ沈黙した怪人の頭部を貫く一撃。と、爆発の中から小さなロボットが飛び出した。
(She stuck the silent head of the machine warrior defeated. Then, a small robot appeared out from among the explosion.)『ちっ!バレたか…俺に勝てたからって無事に帰れると思うんじゃねぇぜスペースシスターズ!お前らはこの衛星ごとくたばる運命なんだからなぁーっ』
(You were found me well. You never can think that you can safely return to the house though you defeated me. Space sisters. Your destiny must be death with the satellite moon.)一目散に地上へ向かって逃走する敵ロボットを追うイプシロン。
(Epsilon chased the enemy robot escaped at full speed toward the ground.)γ「あ…待っ…」
(Space Gamma. I entrust my elder sister to you.)γ「あ…はい……ぇ…お姉ちゃん?……あ!待って下さい」
(Yes...What? Are you real sisters? Please wait.)『ひぇぇっ! ちっ、しつこい奴だぜ…おい!誰か援護してくれ!だれもいねえのか!』
(What a persistent woman she is! Hey! Someone, please help me. Are there no one?)そのとき、上空に閃光が走った
(At that time, something was shining in the sky like lightning.)ε「くっ?!」
(The falling thing, it was Space Nu that owed the whole body the burn and lost consciousness. And, in the sky...)『ひゃっはーっ!いいところに来てくれたぜ!』
(Yahhooo! Welcome my friend!)γ「ニューさん!」
(The situation was reversed by this. Space sisters, we destruct you like minced meat. Zerottos, attack!)ε「はぁーっ!」
(Space Epsilon attacked into the front of the huge enemy.) イプシロンはゼロットスの4本の腕を巧みにかわしながらスペースビーム・クローで攻撃するが、小さく火花をちらすだけで強靭な甲羅には傷一つつけることができない。
(Epsilon escaped skillful through four hands of Zerottos and attacked it by Space*Beam*Claw.However, her attack with small spark wasn't able to damage the strong shell of the monster.)ε「ひうっ!」
(Epsilon received the attack of the tail from her blind spot and stopped movement. Zerottos gripped her and tried to twist off her body to separate.)ε「う…ぅぎぅっ…ふっ…あ…ああーっ!」
(Zerottos lost the single eye by the attack of Epsilon from off guard, and she was able to escape.)『な…なんだとぉ!こいつ…足からも?!』
(What. She can handle her foot nail too?)γ「…凄い」
(It is terrible.)ニューに駆け寄ったガンマだが、イプシロンの戦いに圧倒され思わず助け起こすのも忘れて見入っていた。
(Gamma went to near at Nu. however, she was overwhelmed to the power of the fight of Epsilon, and forgot to help Nu and was gazing.)『ちっ!あのツメの奴は厄介だぜ…ん?』
(Chi! That fingernail woman is troublesome. Someone comes?)μ「あ…あそこや!」
(Look, they are there.)『まずいな、援軍かよ…仕方ねえ』
(This is unpalatable. Their reinforcements come. I have no choice.) 『おいゼロットス!順番にひとりづつ片付けるぞ、まずあそこのくたばり損ないからだぜ!』
(Hey, Zerottosu! Kill them sequentially one by one. Aim at the half dead girl there first.)ε「?!」
(The blitz attacked the lying Delta. Epsilon barely succeeded in her rescue.)『ひっかかったな…今だゼロットス!』
(It's a strategy success. Zerottos, do that now!)『グギェアアアアーッ!』
(It's so good! Hyahahahahaha!)敵ロボットはゼロットスの電撃のエネルギーを自分の周囲に誘導し、四方に向けて放出した。
(The enemy robot induced the energy of blitz of Zerottos to around itself, and it discharged aiming at all sides again.)μ「うぁ…なんやねんこれ!」
(What is it doing?)θ「…まさか…これって…」
(It...perhaps it's that?)ついにスペースシスターズは反重力爆弾の内部に到達した。
(Space Sisters reached into the antigravity bomb at last.)τ「どう?」
(Apparently, there seems to be not new enemy around us. Because it is an inside of the bomb here, it might be natural.)τ「そう…でもそれってこの爆弾が本物だという証拠、だよね」
(Really? Though, it's an evidence that this bomb isn't a fake.)φ「まぁ、ここまで来ればあとは止めるだけ…それならさぁ、あんたとプシィだけで充分よねぇ」
(Well, we must only stop it after now. If so, it's enough only in Pushii and you?)τ「ん?…まぁ、大丈夫だよね」
(Oh dear, it might be enough.)φ「そう…それじゃ…」
(I'm sorry, I shall become a dead too. Pushii, I entrust it to you.)ファイは去り、しばらく沈黙が続いた。
(Fai left, and a silence continued for a while.)τ「…貴女は…行かないの?」
(Don't you go?)β「……指示を、くれ…リーダー…」
(Give the instruction, leader.)τ「…どうしたいの…貴女自身は…」
(What do you want to do?)β「地球を守る…それがスペースシスターズの使命…そのためなら、どんな命令にも従い…ここで死んでもいい覚悟で…来た…けど…」
(Defend the earth. It is the mission of Space Sisters. For it, I must obey any instruction, and I may die here. I came here with resolution of it. However...)β「どうやら俺も…スペースシスターズ失格みたいだ。正直、ガンマのことが…それにミューやシータや…あいつらのことが頭から離れねぇ…」
(Apparently, I seem to be a disqualification of Space Sisters. Gamm, Myuu, and Sheeta... If I say honestly, they worry me than everything.)τ「…だよね…解ったわ。みんな…失格、か。スペースベータ、この場で任を解く。以降は自由意志で行動せよ」
(Yes, it has understood. Everyone will be disqualification. Space Beta, your duty is dismissed now. And, act by your freewill.)β「いいのか?」
(I handed down an instruction now. What's your answer?)β「…了解!」
(Yes ma'am!)φ「ん?」
(Oh, haha...She is the super hero.) ψ「さて…と。リーダー、そろそろ次の指示を頼むぞ」
(Well...Leader,I want the next instruction.)τ「…ここも、観られてるの?」
(Here is observed too?)ψ「監視カメラか? んー、5…いや、7つくらいあるぞ」
(About the surveillance camera? There are about five...no, seven cameras.) τ「潰して…全部」
(Crush everything.)ψ「了解」
(Yes ma'am.)ψ「スペースビーム・アロー・ライト!…これで全部だと思うぞ」
(Space*Beam*Arrow-light!...I think that I crushed everything by this.)τ「……して…」
(Please, do...X.) ψ「はぁ?」
(Do you want it here? It's so...)τ「お願い…すぐ…すむから…」
(Please. It'll be able to end soon)τ「お願い…私…もう…でも…みんな…なのに…だよね…だよね!」
(Please. It's my...by the way things are going, already everyone nevertheless...why...)ψ「あぁ解った…あんまり時間はとれないぞ…解るか?」
(Ah,yes ma'am, yes ma'am. I've understood. However, we cannot use time so much. Do you understand?)τ「解る。解るから…なのに…でも…どうして」
(I understand. I can understand. Though I can understand, nevertheless...Why they.)ψ「もぅ喋るな。でもな、少しだけだぞ」
(Don't talk any longer. However,I must do only a little.)τ「ん…ぅ」
(Ah, there is another one?)■
- 2010/04/29(木) 03:48:06|
- スペースシスターズ
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