前回『崇高なる使命』Last Time on“A Noble Mission”
The Melancholic Victory
(It is an emergency contact in the defense forces from Space Tau. Release the alert. Strategy end.)ζ「あぁ? 何言ってんのよこのニワトリ女!」
(Ah?What do you say? Chicken woman.)τ「!っ?」
(What meaning is it?)ζ「だからこの状況のどこが作戦終了だってのよ!ていうか今どこほっつき歩いてんのかな」
(Why is this situation called a strategy end? Where are it and you cutting it now?)η「ちょっと、ゼータ!…あの、すみません、さっきからずっと映像が…」
(Hey、Zeta!Wait. I'm sorry. We are looking at the image for a long time ahead.)Dr「あー、もうお前らちょっと黙れ!ていうかマイク勝手に使わんで欲しいんだがなー」
(Shut up a little. And, do not use my mike without permission.) τ「…どういうこと?」
(Yes. In short, the enemy is broadcasting the situation of the moon live. It is sent directly to the T.V. set of many parts of the world. Therefore, we cannot control the broadcasting while possible to be watched all over the world almost.)τ「なっ…」
(Hoo, Space Sisters truly are tough as expected. You are not dead yet.)意識を取り戻したスペースニューの眼前に半死半生のガンマが投げ捨てられる。
(Gamma is thrown half-dead towards the ground before the eyes of Space Nu.)ν「ひっ!」
(Hiu!)β「ガンマ! おい、ミュー!出せ」
(Gamma! Hey、Myuu! Put me out here.)μ「あーもう!ええから自分しばらくそん中でおとなしゅうしとき!」
(No. I confines you for a while there. Just be obedient for the time being!)θ「さ…さっき、揺れましたわよね、地震…ですの?」
(Awhile ago,I felt the shake. Is it an earthqua...moonquake?)φ「感じたかい…あっちは決着ついたようだねぇ。吉凶はわからないけど…とにかく今はこっちに集中するわよ」
(Did you notice?The group of Space Tau might have put the conclusion. However, the success or failure is not understood. Anyways let's concentrate here for now.)『ちょうどよかったぜぇ~まだ人質にくたばられちゃまずいが、こう睨みあいが長えと客もダレてきただろうからなぁ』
(It was just good. When the hostage still dies, it embarrasses it, and the standoff will be long and the spectator gotten tired now.)ν「ぃ…嫌っ!」
(I hate!)『なんだぁ、びびってんのかぁ~? それなら命だけは助けてやってもいいぜぇお嬢ちゃん』
(Hey, Girl. Are you scared? I maybe able to help only your life depending on the condition.) ν「…ぇ?」
(It will be dangerous on this moon soon. I am enough though the hostage am necessary to run away if there is one person. Therefore you, kill her.)ν「えっ?」
(Did not you hear it? If you kill there green girl, I don't kill you.)ν「そ…そんな…」
(Well how do you do? You only kill yourself to her substitute if you do not want to kill her. I don't kill your friend if you do so.)γ「…ん…う」
(Then、Gamm's consciousness started to return on the ground.)γ「う…うあああああぁーっ!」
(What? Hi...Kyaaaah!)β「な…ガンマ!やめろっ何してるんだ」
(Gamma!What are you doing? Stop that!)γ「はああああーっ!」
(Hyahahahahaha!This is just great, the green girl holds her life dear and become crazy. I understood, and I will rescue the girl who won. Kill one another mutually.)ν「嫌っ…ぇ?…ひっ!」
(No! Stop it! What? Was something said?...Hyi!)μ「ちょ、あかんやろがんちゃん!やめって!」
(Gamma,Wait! That's no good!Stop!)γ「うううあぁうううあぁーっ!」
(Space*Beam*Hurricane that Nu avoided momentarily shocking the ground. And, it devoured the surface of the moon in the atmosphere that not was, the dust wrapped two girls, and it concealed them.)β「あ…あぁぁーっ!」
(You are excellent,Space Gamma.)『ぐぎゃあああァ!』
(Geuuuphu...What did you do?)『ば…バカな…てめえはさっきそこで死んだはず…なんで?』
(It's unbelievable. There You were killed awhile ago why?)『え…ま…幻…?』
(It...Is it an illusion?)『き…汚え…ぞ…』
(Unfairness. You are dirty.)γ「…てめーにだけは言われたくねーです…ド腐れ外道」
(I don't want to be said so by only you. You are the dirtiest coward.)『ギイェアアアアァーッ!』
(I did it! Nu-san! Thank you for noticing my strategy.)μ「よかった…もう、びっくりさせんといてやーがんちゃん」
(I'm so glad. Gamma,please don't surprise me.)θ「寿命の癪が縮みましたわ…それより早く!」
(I feel that my heart stopped in shock. Escape earlier than it.)γ「はい!」
(Wait! Space*Beam*Tentacles.)θ「きゃっ!…何しますのよ!」
(Wow!What do you do?)μ「あ…危な…て、バリア消えてへんがな!」
(It's dangerous...Oh, look! Barrier hasn't disappeared yet.)θ「え!どうして?」
(Eh! Why?)『く…ひひ…バカがぁ…俺が死ねばバリアが消えると思ったか…逆だあ、てめえらはもうここから出られねえ』
(You are stupid girls. Did you think that the barrier disappear if I died? It is actually opposite. You never can escape any longer.)γ「?!」
(Zerottos,I don't care anymore. You may kill all members. Hyahahahahaha! Kill,kill,kill them all!)『死…げぇふ!』
(Brutal nature of Zerottos returned again.Trampling the robot,Zerottos had approached Gamma and Nu.)『グアアアアアーッ!』
(The energy of the attack of Zerottos was adsorbed by the barrier, and caused the explosion even outside with violent spark.)θ「きゃっ!」
(This is bad. If it is the state as it is, the barrier will not be able to be endured.) μ「え、バリア壊れんの?ほなええやん」
(Eh,does the barrier break? Is it good?)φ「ああ、壊れて…安定できなくなったエネルギーが大爆発するだろうよ」
(Yes, it breaks. However, the energy that was not able to circulate will explode greatly.)θ「そ…それでは中のふたりは?」
(So, what will do to two girls inside it?)ν「嫌…もう…嫌!助けて…」
(Dislike, already dislike. Someone, please help me.)γ「ニューさん!」
(Dangerous! Figuch! Ye...aaaaaaaah!)ν「きぃゃぁああああああー!」
(The sharp tail of Zerottos aimed at Nu. And Gamma tried to rescue her. However,it ran through the two girls together.)ν「ぁ…」
(I understand. Please wait only a moment,my elder sister.) π「…ベータ?」
(Pie,listen to me. Back of your collar...)ε「バリアの崩壊から爆発までは一瞬ですが時間があるはずです」
(There must be time from the collapse of the barrier to the explosion though it is momentary.)φ「面倒だとか言ってられなくなったね…でも、保証は無いし無傷じゃ済まないよ。いいかい」
(I will do though it's troublesome. However, the success guarantee is not and is thought that we injure. Still, do you go with me?)ε「あきらめることは正義に対する裏切り行為です。私はガンマを。ニューの救出お願いします」
(Giving it up will be an act of betrayal to the justice. I need to rescue Gamma. Please rescue Nu.)θ「あ…あの、わたくしたちは何をすればよろしいのかしら」
(I'm sorry what should we do?)φ「爆発に備えてミューのビームバブル内に退避しな。デルタ達を頼むよ」
(In preparation for the explosion prepare Space*Beam*Bubble of Myuu. I ask you for Delta and them.)μ「な、なぁ…あれって…」
(Hey,look at that.) θ「え!?」
(I understand. Even if feelings are proud, I need to endure it. I endure it even if coming to want to play. Then, Beta will praise me.)π「スペースビぃ~む・ばっきゅうううーむ!」
(The body of Space Pie that absorbed powerful energy of the barrier was transfigured gradually.)π「ひう…く…うふ…く」
(The barrier disappeared!) μ「よっしゃ!」
(It's good!)π「ふぁ…パイ…がまん…した…ょ…」
(Why… I endured it as it was an order of the beta. Why does Beta never praise me?)π「ねえ…パイえらかったよ…きもちいいのにがまんしてすごいえらかったんだよ…ベータ…ほめてよ…なでてよ…あそんでよ…あそんで…だれかあそんでよ…だれか…だれか、だれかってだれ?だれ?だれ?」
(Listen to me. I was excellent. I who had endured it was excellent though feelings were proud. Beta,praise me. Pat my head. Please play with me. Someone, please play with me. Who is someone? Someone? Someone?)π「だれ…お ま え で い い や 」
(Someone...i s...y o u!) ε「?…おねえちゃ…!」
(My elder sister?)π「はは…」
(B...A...I'm sorry...) π「ご…う…うわあああああああーんっ!」
(I'm sor...ry...Uwaaaaaaaaaaaah!) β「パイ!待っ…」
(Danger!) φ「逃げな!スペースビーム・テンタクル!」
(Good,I crush head of the monster! Space*Beam*Bubble!) 『ギュルルゥウウグウウウウアアア』
(Oh really?)『ンギャァアアゥオオオオオーッ!』
(No,wait a little!) μ「はぁ…お…おおきに」
(Ah,thank you very much.)θ「どうなってますの、技が食べられましたわ!」
(What happened now, the monster ate Beam Bubble.)φ「エネルギーを直接吸収できるように改造されてるみたいだね…大きくなるはずだよ」
(I think the monster seems to be remodeled so that it'll absorb energy directly. Therefore,I'm sure it was growing big.)μ「ほな、攻撃でけへんやん」
(Can't we attack it therefore?)β「なら、俺が凍らせてやる!」
(Then、I'll freeze the monster!)γ「あ!待って」
(Ah! Wait!)『ギイイイイアアアアアアアオオオオ!』
(Space*Beam*Tentacle was torn with Zerottos, and Beta was beaten by the tail.)β「ぐふっ!は…離すかよ!スペースビーム…」
(Ugh!I don't separate. Space*Beam...)β「フリ…いぎぃあああああああーっ!」
(Beta directly received the blitz that made the energy that Zerottos was being held back from, and she was blowing right off.)β「あぐぅ!」
(No! Don't come!)φ「スペースビーム・テンタクル!」
(This time because it's connected with me, it won't be easy to tear it off now.)μ「おばちゃん、ナイス!」
(Auntie, good job!)φ「だからおばちゃんじゃないって、それより、早く全員撤退しな」
(Don't call me an auntie. With that、withdraw everyone quickly.)μ「え?」
(Beta-san, can you still fight yet?)β「お前こそ…」
(Are only you safe?)γ「考えてたことが…あるんです」
(I have the idea.)φ「パイを見過ごしてイプシロンを失ったのは私の判断ミスだよ、もうこれ以上無駄な犠牲は出せないからね」
(It was my error in judgment that I overlook Pie and Epsilon died. From now on there, never become no more wasted sacrifices.)μ「せやかて…」
(Don't worry. Take the wounded girls and quickly run away. Otherwise, you becomes involvement.)θ「あ…あれ、あのコたち、今度は何してますのよ!」
(Look, they are doing something again.)φ「何だい?…なっ!」
(Will you be safe?)γ「大丈夫…です、私は…ひぅっ…」
(Will you match each other's energy into one? Stop it! It doesn't succeed if each other's breath is not perfectly matched.)θ「…それなら、大丈夫ですわね」
(If that's so,it's all right.)φ「?」
(Well it is likely to succeed if that pair.)γ「行き…ます」
(May we go?)β「ああ、まかせる」
(I leave it to you.)β&γ「スペースビーム…ブリザード!」
(It's nice!)φ「よし、後は…」
(Good, and next...)θ「まかせていただきますわっ!」
(It's my turn!)θ「正義の二文字とともに、天の裁きを受けなさい!今!必殺の!」
(Receive the damnation of the justice. Now. Final.)θ「スペースビーム・ドリルゥゥーッ!」
(Oh dear, the last attack was acceptable any.) μ「…あ」
(Belphe, insert my voice in the enemy's broadcasting. Can you do it?) Dr『あ、ああ、了解』
(Ah...Yes ma'am.)τ『母なる星 地球の皆様に告ぐ。危機は去った。
(Attention, I report to the dwellers on our mother planet the earth. The crisis is over.) 地球を破壊するために月面に仕掛けられた敵の計画は、私たちスペースシスターズが粉砕した。既に計画の首謀者は特定され、間もなく報いを受けることになるだろう。
(The enemy's plan that beginning on the surface of the moon to destroy the earth, was crushed by Space Sisters. Because the mastermind of the plan has already been identified, they will be convicted soon.) 私たちはここに改めて誓う。親愛なる地球の方々が正義を守る心を持ち続ける限り、盾となり剣となって貴方達の生命と安全を守り続けることを。
(Here we will renew our vow. As long as everyone in the dear earth can continue to keep justice in their hearts、we will continue protecting the lives and safety of all of you, as your sword and shield.) そしてこの計画を実行した悪意ある者たちに宣言する。お前たちがいかなる手段を使おうとも、私たちは決して正義を捨て暴虐の前に屈することは無い。
(And, malicious people who executed this plan are warned. Even if you use any means, we never throw away the justice and never have what surrenders ahead of the tyranny.) 私たちはこの戦いで傷つき、尊い犠牲を払うことになった。だが、どのような苦難にあろうとも私たちの正義は揺るがない。
(We are damaged because of this fight, and pay the ultimate sacrifices. However, even if it is so cruel hardships, our justice will be unshaken.) 最後の一人になろうとも、全ての悪を根絶するまで戦い続けることをここに誓う。
(Even if there is only one of us standing at last、we vow that we will keep on fighting until all evil has been exterminated.) 私たちはスペースシスターズ。マスターの遺志を継ぎ、この宇宙に正義が支配する永遠なる平和をもたらす者。
(We are Space Sisters. By Master's dying wish、we bring eternal peace to the people thanks to the justice's rule in the universe. We give the divine protection to the fellow who walks with us and give the death to the hostile evil.)■次回に続く
- 2011/04/17(日) 00:46:51|
- スペースシスターズ
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| コメント:5
長かったです。が、なんとか完走しました。第11話完成です。ご感想いただければ有り難く思います。ご覧の通り10話と11話は合わせて一本のストーリーでして、10話のプロローグが2009年の12月でしたから足かけ1年4カ月…ペース遅すぎですねw ちなみにスペースシスターズも連載開始から先日で3年目を迎えました。ひっそり祝いつつ3年たっても完結できない己の技量を嘆きつつ今後も泣かず飛ばずとも消えずの精神でコツコツやっていこうと思います。今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。
- 2011/04/17(日) 01:34:41 |
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- MFJ #MSsD658o
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- 2011/04/20(水) 21:43:35 |
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- TKME #/k8K4ErU
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- 2011/04/21(木) 23:29:32 |
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- MFJ #MSsD658o
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Can I just say that I'm disappointed at π (Pi)? Haha...
Great job once again on the story! You've kept us very emotionally invested with them for so long, this war..can I call it, a "One Year War"? Thank you for working so hard in this story, it must have been truly draining.
On the story, to see π (Pi) turn back to us with that smile...I can't help but feel betrayed, along with I'm sure β (Beta) was feeling. She had no choice...and it costed one of the Space Sisters. And what a way for her to go, with half of her mouth still part of her body! how gruesome...
So much has happened, and to know that it hasn't ended yet, we know that there is still a long battle ahead. Along, with more deaths of the SPACE Sisters until it truly is, one...is left...standing (that may die anyways).
Thank you again for such a wonderful story!! I bow to you for your hard work once again.
物語に再び大ジョブ!あなたは私たちは非常に感情的に..私はそれを、"一年戦争"と呼ぶことができるので、長い間一緒にこの戦争を投資していたね? 、それが本当に排出されている必要がこの物語の中で一生懸命働いてくれてありがとう。
物語では、私が感じていた(ベータ版)を確認βだと一緒に、π(パイ)が笑顔で私たちに向ける... ...私は助けることはできません裏切られたと感じる確認してください。彼女は仕方がなかった...それが宇宙姉妹のいずれかを負けました。そして、何彼女はまだ彼女の口から彼女の体の一部の半分で、移動するための方法!どのように陰惨な...
- 2011/04/30(土) 06:12:34 |
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- Pira #-
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Thank you for Mr. Pira comment.
It can say, "One Year War" and is strange. Because it was a long piece, I spent time and time in production.
However, because the character did not die easily for the composition of the story meanwhile in the first half, I was serious the maintenance of motivation.
The WEB clap and the comment of everybody encourage me in above all.
Because the severed head of the epsilon was not expressible well only by a past texture, it is what makes the head of the figure Propp and processes it with the metasequoia.
My first issue of the modeling work is this though it is the remodeling goods. I'm sorry ..grotesque...
Propp of a little making by oneself will be able to appear from next time because I am practicing modeling at this.. chance.
For the Space Sisters, the result of the joint struggle or getting backfired the deepen decision and was scatter scatters this time as for the ditch.
Severer development waits for them since next time, and expect it, please.
I will pursue my own enjoyment again at the same time in the future if the visitor enjoys it of course though I am a desire.
Thank you for sending the English translation sentence of 10.11 stories moreover. I think that one of these days is reflected in the blog because I allowed me to refer.
- 2011/05/01(日) 01:16:13 |
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- MFJ #MSsD658o
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