前回「崇高なる使命」PrologueLast Time on“A Noble Mission(Prologue)”
A Noble Mission(PART-1)
(I'm sorry for suddenly coming. It is urgent summons.)ψ「どうした?そんなに驚かれても困るぞ」
(Why are you surprised so much? I have been perplexed.)γ「あ…あの、プシィさん、その格好」
(Pushii-san, what wear by you?)ψ「あ?服着ないで町を歩くと法律違反なんだろ、郷に入れば郷に従えだぞ、解るか?」
(It is because it is a violation of the law when walking without putting on clothes in the town. We should observe the law. Do you understand?)γ「そ、その格好で町歩いて来たんですか?」
(Then, did you walk in the town with the clothes?)θ「大胆にもほどがありますわ…」
(You are too bold.)ι「ボ、ボクは反対したんだけど…」
(I...I did one the respondent objecting.)η「可愛…あ、すみません!」
(Oh,what lovely you a...I'm sorry!)β「おい、それより何の用だよ二人とも」
(What is the reason why you came here?)ψ「ああ、そうそう忘れるところだったぞ…全員すぐスペースガードに集合してくれるか?」
(Incidently, I have a message for you. All members must gather in the Space Guard soon.)β「スペースガードって…タウのか?」
(Is the Space Guard a base of Tau?)スペースガード、正確にはスペース・ガード・フォートレス。防衛隊および各国政府と協力関係を結んだスペースタウによって、かつてシグマが封印されていた地下洞穴の真上に建造された地球防衛の拠点。通称「正義の城」と呼ばれる地上800メートルの巨大要塞である。
(This is the Space Guard. The standard nomenclature is "Space guard fortress". Space Tau who cooperates in the defense corps and the each country government built a base of the earth defense above an underground cave where Sigma had been sealed before. It is a huge building of 800 meters in height called alias "Castle of the justice".)π「すごーい!すごいおおきいよ、ねぇベータ!みて!あれすごいおおきいんだよ!」
(It's terrible! It is a terrible size. Look,Bata! That is terrible and big.)β「ああ。俺も本物を見るのは初めてだな」
(Yes. For me, it's the first time to see that at my eyes.)θ「まったく、大きけりゃいいってものではありませんわ…」
(However, I do not think it good what is only big.)μ「ほんまに…なんぼかかっとんねんあれ」
(That's right. There will be a large sum of useless cost to build that.)β「…ガンマ?」
(I knew that by the news of the television. However, I am a little mortifying for these kind of things to be built on the cave of Omega-sama.)スペースガードの内部は巨大化したスペースシスターズのサイズに合わせて造られており、壁際には普通の人間が利用できる施設も存在し、科学者や防衛隊員が常駐している。
(The inside of the Space Guard is made according to the size of Space Sisters who make it hugely. Facilities where it can use between the normal people exist on the wall side and the scientist and the defense corp's member are residing.)θ「どうしましたの?」
(What are you watching now?)β「…いや、何でもない。見間違い、だよな。まさか…な」
(No, it is nothing. I think that it is looking mistake...She cannot be here.)「ポョョン…どうなさいました?ドクトル・ベルフェ」
(Poyoyon...How did you do? Doctor Belphe.)Dr「…いや、何でもない。…な…なんでアイツがここにいるんだぁ?」
(No, it is nothing... Why is she here?)ν「こちらでお待ちください。間もなくタウ様が来られます」
(Please wait here. Ms.Tau can come soon.)γ「…」
(I understand. I have already known what she had. However...)ψ「お、来たな」
(They came.)スペースタウ、そしてシグマ、ファイがデルタ・イプシロンを引き連れて現れた。
(Space Tau, Sigma, and Fai took Delta and Epsilon along and they appeared.)τ「お待たせ。全員そろったようね…」
(I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. I seem there are all members of Space Sisters now.)β「全員?あいつは…カイはどうした?」
(All members? Kai is not here. Where is she?)τ「カイは…死んだわ」
(She daid?)τ「現在、生存および消息が確認されているスペースシスターズはここにいる15人。全員に集まってもらったのは、今回の作戦の参加者を募るため。時間があまりないからこれ以上の質問は後、説明が先だよね。モニター映して」
(Space Sisters to whom the living and news are confirmed are 15 people who are here now. The purpose of all members' gathering is to recruit the participant of this strategy. Because time is regrettable, I explain about it. Please question after this. Project the monitor.)『こちらは防衛隊の観測装置が記録した月の裏側の映像です。白いドーム状の物体が見えますでしょうか…周囲との比較から直径5キロはあると推定されます』
(Here is an image on the other side of the moon that the observational equipment of the defense corps recorded. Domed white object is seen. This diameter is estimated to be five kilometers or more from the comparison with surroundings.)μ「でかっ」
(It's too large.)『これが発見されてまもなく、観測装置の回線を利用した何者かの通信が送られて来ました。再生します』
(As soon as this was discovered , someone sent message to us using the line of the observational equipment. I reproduce it.)《地球人諸君、そして地球の守護者たるスペースシスターズに告げる。我々は先の戦いでお前達から受けた屈辱に対し徹底的な復讐を決意した。今回の我々の目的は地球征服ではない。地球の破滅だ》
(This is information to all earthlings and earth guardian Space Sisters. We determined thorough revenge to the disgrace received from you by the previous war. This time our purpose is ruin of not the earth conquest but the earth.)《すでに我々は月面に反重力爆弾をセットした。今から40時間の後、爆発とともに月は軌道を外れ時速40万キロ以上の速度で一直線に地球めがけて激突するだろう。スペースシスターズよ、止められるものなら止めてみるが良い…》
(We have already set the antigravity bomb in the surface of the moon. After 40 hours from now, the moon will move to orbit and the earth crash straight at a speed of 400,000km or more per hour aiming by the explosion. Space Sisters, stop it if you can stop it.)β「マジかよ…」
(Will it be true?)τ「通信は今から9時間前に送られてきたわ。つまりあと31時間以内に月へ飛んで爆弾を処理しなければ地球は破滅する。ここまで言えば説明しなくても解るよね…」
(The communication was sent us nine hours ago. In a word,if we fly to the moon within 31 hours and the bomb is not processed, the earth will be broken. If you can understand it, the explanation more than this is unnecessary.)γ「あの…」
(I have a question.)τ「?」
(Is not the bomb treatable by ability of Space Sigma-san?)σ「無理じゃな…機械は殺せぬ」
(It is impossible. In my ability, the machine without the life cannot be killed.)μ「…なんや、しょぼい最終兵器やな」
(you seem actually to be not wonderful though you are called an ultimate weapon.)σ「手は…無いことはない…が、月見もできなくなっては貴様達とて困ろう」
(I know another method, however you become impossible to watch the moon if I use it.)γ「それって…」
(surely,the method is...)τ「そういうこと。だからそれはあくまでも最終手段、だよね。」
(Yes. Therefore, it is a last-resort measure to the last.)τ「とりあえずは聞いての通り。事態が重大だから特別にあなた達にも伝えたけど、この作戦に参加するかどうかは各自で判断してもらうわ。ただし、作戦に加わる場合は私の指揮下に入り、私の命令に従ってもらうのが最低条件。それができないなら辞退して…あ、あと言うまでもないけど10分やそこらで済ませる戦いじゃないからね。出発は1時間後。それまでに決めて。解ったわね」
(The explanation is complete. Because the situation was important, I informed it to you specially. Each one, please judge whether to participate in this strategy. However, the person who joins the strategy must enters under my command, and the condition according to my instruction. Please refuse it if you cannot do it. And it's impossible to finish this strategy in about ten minutes though it is needless to say. The departure is after one hour, and please decide it till then. Have you understood?)ζ「イータ…どう思う?」
(What do you think? Eta.)η「すみません…私、話が突然すぎて…でも…私」
(I'm sorry. Because it's suddenly I can't determine it yet. However...)ζ「イータ、やっぱりあなたは」
(Though Eta, I think...)θ「2人とも、地球で待機していただきますわ」
(Stand by at the earth by two people.)ζ「お嬢?」
(I'm sorry. However I...)θ「よく聞きなさい、イータ。仮にわたくしたちが万が一…いえ、一億万が一ですわね…爆弾を止められなかったとしますわ…あくまで仮ですけど。そのとき月を止められるのはあなたのスペースビーム・ハーブティーしかありませんのよ!」
(Hear it well, Eta. If we are not forbidden the bomb, it assumes it though the probability is equal to not being. There is only one that can stop the moon at that time. It is your Space*Beam*Herbal tea!)ζ「お嬢、グラビティ…て、それはさすがに」
(Lady, it's“Gravity” It's indeed...)ψ「ムリだぞ」
(It's indeed impossible.)θ「なっ…あなた、なんですのよ!KYKにもほどがありますわ。せっかくわたくしが気休めを…」
(You are cruel. Why do you say the truth? I said lie mere consolation to her with great pains.)ζ「悪ぃ、お嬢…今ちょっと突っ込み入れる気分じゃない…かな」
(I'm sorry, Lady. I cannot become feelings that strike the back-channel feedback to your nonsense talk now.)η「す、すみません!私…」
(I'm sorry...)ψ「しかし、たしかにお前達は地球に残った方が良いと思うぞ」
(However, I certainly think that you should remain in the earth.)η「え…」
(The reason is that we are nuisance?)ψ「まぁそれもあるが、ケースが特殊だからな。全員で行くのは避けるべきだと思うぞ。ゼータとイータ…」
(I think so. And we should avoid going by all members because it is a special situation this time. Zeta and Eta,)ψ「…それにイオタ、お前は残れ」
(And Iota, remain in the earth.)ι「え?なんでボクも?」
(What? Why am I a house sitting?)ψ「予想される危険は単純に考えても3つはあるぞ。まず、敵が万が一に備えて地球に残っているシグマを狙う可能性、第2に月の爆弾は囮で、スペースシスターズ不在の内に地球が襲われる可能性…」
(Because three dangers are expected even if it thinks simply. First, there is a possibility of enemy aiming at Sigma who remains in the earth in preparation for the emergency. Next possibility, the bomb of the moon is a decoy and the enemy attacks the earth where there aren't Space Sisters.)ψ「…もう一つは、この事件そのものが私たちを抹殺するためのタウの罠である可能性だ」
(And third possibility, this event is a trap by Tau to assassinate us.)θ「言い切りましたわね…本人いますのに…」
(You are bold to be able to assert to her near herself.)τ「信用できないのは当たり前…だよね。でも、それは作戦終了後に謝罪してもらえばすむこと、気にしないわ。あなた達も気にすることは無いわよ。断ってもだれも咎めたりしないから。実際、中途半端な覚悟で参加されても邪魔なだけ、だよね」
(It is natural that you cannot trust me. However, I don't worry about it because you will apologize to me after the strategy ends. And, you must not worry. Even if you refuse participation, no one can say you are bad. I think that the person who participated by a halfway resolution is nuisance.)ψ「ま、そういうことだ。じゃあイータ、ゼータ、イオタは待機、ということでいいな」
(It is as she says. Then Eta, Zeta, Iota must stand by in the earth. Is it good?)ι「待って、ボクは…」]
(No. Wait, and hear my opinion.)ψ「イオタ、正義は勝つ。なぜだか、解るな」
(Iota, "The justice wins absolutely." Why? You understand it.)ι「…」
(I'm sorry. I am not useful even at such time.)ζ「まぁ、あのメンバーじゃ付いて行ったって大して役にたてない…かな、悔しいけど。正義は勝つ、か…」
(Well, I think I cannot be very useful even if I go with that member, too. Though it is mortifying to me. Don't worry. "The justice wins absolutely.")ι「正義は勝つ。なぜなら」
("The justice wins absolutely." Why?)ζ「?」
(The answer is it, because "Qualification that call oneself the justice" is given to the person who won. Pushii said so before the fights of disregarding her life, left me, and went alone.)ι「だけど…いくらプシィの教えでもこれだけは間違っていると思う…どんなに強くても、勝ってみんなから支持されても…悪は悪だ」
(However, I think that only this is wrong in my learning from Pushii. Even if evil strengthens, it wins, and it is supported by the general public, it's not a justice.)γ「聞かないんですね…」
(You don't hear my idea.)β「必要ないだろ」
(because it's not necessary to hear it.)π「パイはベータといっしょにいくよ!おるすばんは…やだよ…すごいさみしいから…やだ」
(Beta, I want to go with you. I don't want to do the house sitting, because it is very lonely.)β「ああ、解ってるよ。パイ」
(Yes I understand you, Pie.)μ「あ、おった。なぁ、なんか時間押してるみたいやで、はよ集まってって」
(Were you here? She is telling me to gather you in a hurry because there is no time.)τ「スペースベータ・ガンマ・デルタ・イブシロン・シータ・ミュー・ニュー・パイ、そしてファイ・プシィ…以上10名、これより私スペースタウの指揮下に入り、敵の反重力爆弾を処理するため月へ向かう。片道は防衛隊の物資輸送船を使うから、到着は約6時間後。つまり、そこからの24時間に地球の命運がかかっているということ、だよね。じゃあ詳しい作戦内容は船内で説明するわ。総員搭乗!」
(Space Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Sheeta, Myuu, Nu, Pie, and Fai, Pushii.To enter under command of me Space Tau, and to process enemy's antigravity bomb, the ten people called now fly to the moon. We arrive on moon is after about six hours, because one way we use the cargo shipment spaceship of the defense corps. In a word, the destiny of the earth hangs in 24 hours from there. I explain a detailed content of the strategy to you in this spaceship. All members, let's board the spaceship.)ψ「イオタ…留守は頼むぞ」
(Guard in my absence, Iota.)ι「…うん」
(Say "yes" in a bigger voice.)ι「は…ハひっ」
(Because this is a secret matter, we must take into custody and observes you until the strategy ending. Come.)η「すみません…それなら、オペレーションルームで待機させていただけませんでしょうか」
(I'm sorry. In that case, please let us stand by in the operation room.)ζ「イータ?」
(We sure can do something for help them.)μ「つまり、スペースビームエネルギーの働きで、身体の周りにこんな感じで空気の層ができるらしいわ」
(In a word, Space Beam energy works at the space and it seem to be able to make the layer of air surroundings around our body.)β「それならなんとかなるか…よく考えたら実際に宇宙に出たこと無かったからな…」
(If so, it might be safe. I was worried because I had not been to space up to now when often thinking.)γ「そういえば…ミューさんはあるんですか?」
(Incidently, had Myuu-san been to space?)μ「タウに操られとった頃に…ちゅーてもあの辺の記憶ってなんやぼやけとってようわからんねんけどな」
(Perhaps, I went to space at the time manipulated by Tau. However, memories of those days are very indistinct.)τ「スクランブル!全員貨物室に集合!繰り返す。全員貨物室に集合!」
(Scramble. All members, gather in the cargo compartment. It repeats. All members, gather in the cargo compartment.)β「何?」
(It's mysterious. As many as about four hours have not passed from the departure yet.)β「何かあったのか?」
(What happened?)ψ「月から5万キロの地点に敵と思われる飛行物体が多数集結している。タウ…じゃない、リーダー、どうする?」
(A lot of flying objects that will be enemy concentrate in the point of 50,000 km from the moon. Tau...The leader, please order to us.)τ「やられる前に、だよね。船はここで捨てて飛行物体群を殲滅しながら月へ向かう。全員船外へ」
(It is necessary to knock it down before we are attacked. We must throw away the spaceship here and go to the moon with annihilating the flying object group. All members, go outside the spaceship.)ψ「んー、大体3000と…うん、3756機いるぞ」
(That is seen about 3,000 pieces. It has understood. It is 3,756 pieces accurately.)τ「半分くらいに減らせない?」
(Can you decrease them to the half by your attack?)ψ「それは難しいな…手加減しても8割は吹っ飛ぶぞ」
(It is difficult. 80 percent of the enemy will explode even if I shoot it taking allowances.)τ「あ、そうなの。じゃあやれるだけやって」
(Really? If so, you may destroy them by possible.)ψ「了解リーダー。スペースビーム・アロー!」
(Yes ma'am, leader! Space*Beam*Arrow!)ψ「残り233機。こっちに向かって来るぞ」
(The remainder of the enemy is 233. They come toward us.)τ「だいたい1人20機ね。いいわ。全員、このまま月へ向かう。なお敵飛行物体の妨害があった場合は各自これを排除せよ!」
(It only has to destroy 20 a person. All members, go to the moon. Crush it by each one if you are obstructed by the enemy's flying object.)δ・ε・ν「了解!」
(Yes ma'am!)γ「あ、私たちも」
(We should go too.)β「ああ、まかしとけ」
(Ah, leave it to me.)θ「ったく…あの女に命令されるのはいい気分ではありませんわね…」
(However, I am unpleasant in the instruction of that woman.)τ「スペースシスターズ総員、我に続け。突撃!」
(All space sisters, continue to me. Attack!)次回に続く
- 2010/01/04(月) 19:13:12|
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