前回『崇高なる使命』PART-4Last Time on“A Noble Mission(PART-4)”
A Noble Mission(PART-5)


(What situation is this?)μ「あ!おばちゃん!助けてぇな!あれバブルも吸われてまうねん」
(Auntie! Please help. That breathes in my Beam Bubble.)φ「だれがおばちゃんだい…どうなってんのか説明しな」
(Don't call me auntie. Explain this happening.)θ「見てわかりませんの?バリアですわよ。ラムダのときと同じ…いえ、あれよりずっとタチが悪いですわ!」
(How can you not understand just by looking? It's a barrier. It's identical to Lambda's last time. No,it's much more malignant than before!)
(How did the antigravity bomb become?)φ「プシィとタウがやってるわよ…こっちの状況は?」
(Pushii and Tau are dealing it now. Explain a situation of here.)
(The battle's a stalemate. My elder sis...Space Delta cannot injure and combat by a prior combat. The enemy joins the monster that came flying while escaping, and they put and be barricading in the barrier. In that case, both Gamma and Nu are confined in the barrier.)
(Gamma resisted, however she is restrained by the tail of the monster, and the life and death of Nu to which the serious injury is owed is uncertain from then. Perhaps, already...)φ「バリアの詳細は解るかい?」
(Do you understand the details of the barrier?)
(I seems that is electromagnetic shields of putting on true spheroidal including the underground, and to provide the function to stockpile any energy on the surface. Though all our attacks related to Space Beam energy are adsorbed. Additionally, high tension currents where the monster originates circulate. Therefore, if touching directly for a physical attack...)β「!」

(No! Stop!)β「ガ…っうああああーっ!」
(If touching directly, it becomes like her.)μ「アホ!何回やってんねん!しまいに死んでまうで」
(Fools! How many times will you do the same thing? You'll die sooner or later.)β「く…うぅ…」
(Can you solve it by your ability? Hey the Space*Beam*Ten...Ten dollars?)φ「テンタクル。申し訳ないけどねぇ…あれはあらかじめタネを蒔かないと発生しないのよ」
("Tentacle". I'm sorry but it might be not useful,because that is not generated if the seed is not sown beforehand.)
(Beta,please put me back to my original form.)β「え…」
(I know. When it is possible to grow like before, I can use Space*Beam*Vacuum. Then, I can erase those kind of things.) β「だ…ダメだ、それはダメだ」
(No.it's nogood.)π「あばれないよ!」
(I won't go crazy!)β「ぇ…」
(If I use Space*Beam*Vacuum-Absorption, even if I come to want to rage, to become pleasant, and to want to play, I endure it. Therefore...I'll endure and hold it in for Beta. Please!)
(No,I must not do only it.)
(On the other side, Tau and Pushii reached the heart of the antigravity bomb at last.)
(This is bad. The conversion of the source of gravity has exceeded 50%. The explosion of the level where the moon moves even if we destroy it now. Do you understand?)τ「解ってる。最初の作戦通りだよね。私がプログラムに直接入り込んで止めるわ。あの制御装置にビームフェザーを刺せればいいんだけど…」
(It understands. I enter the program directly according to the first strategy and it stops it. I must be able to hit the control unit by my Beam Feather.However...)
(The beam feather that the tau had thrown was blasted to the black bullet that had been shot from the upper part of the bomb at the next moment.)τ「…まぁ、あたりまえ、だよね」
(Well, this is a natural result.)ψ「弾丸状に圧縮した反重力素か…あれはまともに喰らったら危険だぞ。ミューを残しておけば良かったかな」
(It might be the one that the source of the antigravity was compressed like the bullet. When we are received straight, we are dangerous. Did we should leave it to Myuu?)τ「冗談。10秒ともたないでしょ。オリジナルならともかく…まぁ本体と防衛システムが独立してないのは好都合だよね…」
(Is it a joke? she is not original. Therefore, she can't endure for as many as ten seconds. However, it is convenient for me that neither the main body nor the system of defense are independent.)
(Tau breaks out her Beam Feathers from her back and developed around her.)τ「止めてくるわ。フォローお願い」
(I go for stop it. Please support me.) ψ「了解。あ、その羽根は何枚出せる?」
(Yes ma'am. Well,how many feathers can you produce?)τ「一度に出せる限界だと…だいたい2千枚くらいだよね」
(The limit that I can put out at the same time is about 2,000 pieces.)ψ「一枚減らせないか?」
(Will you give one piece to me?)
τ「逆に私が操られた時の保険? 必要ないわ…そのときは、殺して」
(Is it insurance when I am manipulated by the enemy? It is not necessary. At that time, kill me.)
(Mission start!)制御装置を目指して飛び出すタウを黒い弾丸が襲う。
(Black bullets attacked Tau that dashes out aiming at the control unit.)
(The bullets disappeared without being pierced by Beam Arrow in less than no time and touching even the Beam Feather of Tau.)τ「流石ね、プシィ」
(Pushii, you are great.) 
(I caught the target. Space*Beam* Feather!)制御装置の中央に突き刺さるビームフェザー。
(Space*Beam*Feather pierces the center of the control unit.)
(I access the program.)すかさず自分の頭にビームフェザーを突き刺すタウ。
(Tau promptly thrust her Beam Feather into her head.)
(The consideration of the tau has parted from the body. And, she entered in the main computer of the control system that linked by the beam feather.)
(The intruder is confirmed in the program.)τ「私は地球の支配者のひとりである。メインプログラムにアクセスを要請する」
(I am one of people who rules the earth. I request access to the main program.) 《私がメインプログラムである・発言を受理する・ただし任務を妨害する場合は排除する》
(I am the main program. I accept your remark. However if you interfere with my duty you will be eliminated.)τ「反重力爆弾の即時停止を要求する」
(I request the immediate end of the antigravity bomb.)《却下・いかなる場合においても任務の中止は認められない》
(I reject it. The discontinuance of the duty is not admitted in any case.) τ「ならば、地球の支配者として警告する」
(Then,I warn you as a ruler of the earth.)
(I accept your remark. However if...)τ「すでに首謀者は割り出している。お前たちが地球に被害を及ぼした場合、報復として我々は即座にお前たちの母星を攻撃、場合によっては破壊する。改めて爆弾の停止を要求する」
(The mastermind turned out already. When you do the earth damage, we immediately attack your mother planet and, according to circumstances, destroy it as retaliation. I demand that you stop the bomb again.)《却下・いかなる場合においても任務の中止は認められない》
(I reject it. The discontinuance of the duty is not admitted in any case.)
(I ask another question. Describe the contents of the duty given to you.)《反重力爆弾を制御し現在より地球基準21時間13分22秒後に爆破することで月を地球直撃の軌道に誘導する・以上》
(After 22 seconds of 21 hours and 13 minutes. Induce the moon to the orbit of the earth direct hit by controlling and blasting the antigravity bomb. This is all.)τ「質問を追加。以下の状況での対応は命ぜられているか。地球が降伏した場合、お前たちの母星から中止命令が出た場合、母星そのものが消失した場合…」
(I add another question. Is correspondence in the following situations commanded? When the earth surrenders. When the discontinuance order comes from your mother star. When your mother star disappears...)《任務中止の条件は存在しない・いかなる場合においても任務の中止は認められない》
(This is not a conditional duty that can be cancelled. The discontinuance of the duty is not admitted in any case.)τ「…少しは判断力があるかと思ったけど、ただ与えられた命令に従うだけか…」
(I thought it has a little judgment. However it's simply obeying only a given order.)《そう・お前と同じ》
(Yes. I am the same as you.)
(To execute the instruction, I was made. It is my significance of existence to complete the duty. Entirely for my master.)
(Damn it! I have been cheated by the machine. I am still in my brain.)《だよね・任務を妨害するものは排除する・全てはマスターのために・全てはマスターのために…》
(That's right. I will eliminate those who interfere with my duty. Entirely for my master. Entirely for my master...)τ「はぅっ!ひ…やめ…ぃああああーっ!」
(The bombardment stopped. Is it a success or a failure?)
(It's a failure!)
(Tau manipulated by the control unit attacked Pushii by her Beam Feathers all together.) 
(Pushii avoided and jumped into the Beam Feathers that continues attacking.)
(After having endured attacking, Pushii hitted a heel drop kick to shoulder of Tau.)

(Suddenly, Tau thrust a concealed Beam Feather to the neck of Pushii.) 
(The antigravity bullet aim at Pushii who nearly avoid her vital point and escaped.)ψ「っ!…スペースビームアロー・ライト!」
(Chi! Space*Beam*Arrow-light!)
(Pushii erased all the antigravity bullets. She was diverted to the explosive flame immediately after that and Tau has approached her.)


(Left shoulder and left arm joint were dislocated. Now,right hand, both feet, and neck, movement is completely sealed off momentarily by her.)τ「…ふふ…こ…これがプシィよ…」
(Fu...This is real ability of Pushii.)
(Pushii doesn't hesitate in the decision at all. she'll kill me and processes the bomb. You'll be defeated by her.) 《それは無い・反重力爆弾は現時点で爆発しても予定より加速が弱まるだけで月は地球への軌道に乗る・任務に失敗は無い》
(It is not true. Only acceleration will become weak more than the schedule as for the antigravity bomb even if it explodes now, so the moon will get on the transearth trajectory. Therefore, there is no failure in my duty.)τ「…自爆する気?」
(You'll self destruct?)《それは最後の選択である・現時点では計画を予定通り行うために・妨害者であるスペースプシィの排除を優先する》
(It is the last selection. I give priority to the elimination of Space Pushii who is the obstructor for accordance at schedule of my duty.)τ「不可能だよね…プシィには勝てない」
(That's impossible. you won't win against Pushii.)《スペースプシィの行動にはお前の脳内の情報と微妙な差異が存在する・ゆえに勝算はある》
(Information in your brain have a slight difference at actual behavior of Space Pushii. Therefore, I can calculate how to win.)
(When you were captured at earlier fight, Space Pushii hesitated to beat you to death immediately. In addition, she is only depriving of the freedom of your body now. In a word, Space Pushii is seeking for your rescue. Therefore, your body will be still useful.)τ「まさか…」
(It's unbelievable.)
(More a large amount of antigravity bullets was fired all at once at Pushii.)
(constantly the shower of bullets pours down to aimed Pushii, and she was avoiding with Tau who was held by her.) ψ「射程が広がった…防御から攻撃に移ったか」
(The range of the bullet spread. It seems to changed from defense to attack.)
(Can I escape to the blind spot? No! It's impossible. Because Tau is manipulated now,if I escape to anywhere I'll be found. Space*Beam*Arrow-light!) 
(A lot! three shots...)
(No, five shots! I can't avoid!) 
(The bullets hit Pushii at last.)
(The forecast proved right. Her body was half rotated, and she used herself like a shield and defended your body at the time of hit the antigravity bullet. Therefore, Space Pushii gives priority to your rescue true. And,I confirmed the antigravity bullet have an enough killing power for Space Sisters. I'll continue the attack to her.)τ「ブシィ…どうして」
(Further shots attack the damaged PUSHII.)ψ「くっ!まずいな…一旦外に脱出…いや、自爆される危険性があるか…このまま避け続けて反重力素を撃ち尽くすのを…いや、何時間かかる…馬鹿か私は、落ち着け!」
(Kuu...It's bad. Should I escape to the outside once? No,there is danger of bomb's self-destruction. If I keep avoiding until the antigravity bullet will be used completely. It's impossible,it'll take too long time. Am I foolish? I should settle down!)
(The attacks become more intense. Anyway, I should change the body pose. When the enemy notices that, it is dangerous.)だが、次の瞬間…
(However, at the next moment...)
(new Space*Beam*Feather was made from the back of Tau suppressed by Pushii, and it broke through the abdomen of Pushii.) 
(No! Pushii!)《この手があったな・反重力素の攻撃転用を控え・お前のビームフェザーによる攻撃に切り替える》
(This is better means. I refrain from the attack diversion of the source of the antigravity and I switch to the attack of your Beam Feather.)τ「やめて!」
(Stop it!)
(...We surrender.... Stop it, please.)《必要無い・万一現時点で爆弾が爆発しても月は動く・つまり任務成功の確率は100%・交渉の必要はない》
(There is no necessity. The moon will move even if the bomb explodes right now. The probability of the duty success is 100% in a word. It is not necessary to negotiate.)τ「それなら…戦闘の必要もないよね!だから…」
(If so,there's no need for combat too! Therefore...)《まだ未確定要素として月に滞在中のスペースシスターズが複数存在する・よって私はスペースプシィを排除した後・爆破予定時刻までお前の身体を爆弾の護衛に使わせてもらう・全てはマスターのために》
(Two or more Space Sisters still staying on the moon is an indeterminate factor. Therefore after Space Pushii is eliminated, I will use your body to guard the bomb until scheduled blasting time. Entirely for my master)τ「使うな…その言葉を使うなーッ!」
(No...Don't use...Don't use those words!)
(Tau tried to withdraw from Pushii who had a deep wound. However,Pushii hadn't separated the right hand of Tau yet.)ψ「…まだ、だ」
(It has not ended yet.)

(At the next moment, Pushii deprived of freedom of Tau's body to cling from ahead to her in this time.)ψ「私も、気付いたぞ…」
(I also noticed.)
(You, the earth, and me. It is difficult to save everything at a time.)
(However, if one is given up, it's not impossible.)

(That's a terrible amount of energy. What does she want to do? She will blast the bomb? No,it's the adverse effect. However, there is no problem if she is killed before the arrow is shot. Cross-fire!)τ「だ…だめ!やめて!やめろぉーっ!」
(N...No! Stop it! Stoooop!!)
(Countless Beam Feathers pierced and stuck in the back of Pushii, who can't move to set up the Beam Arrow.) 
(One minute, five minutes, ten minutes,so long time passed. And strength of the Beam Arrow gradually was growing with strong shine. The cross-fire of antigravity bullets and Beam Feathers continued without mercy、and Pushii continued to endure explosion that scooped out her body. Finally at last...)

(It seems not to have been able to obstruct the shooting. There is no abnormality to the bomb. The hit the floor. Then, it didn't hit the target? Calculate The influence on my duty soon. Present success percentage...0)
(0? Success probability 0%...Is it true?)τ「…え?」
(Why? Confirm The hitted point soon.)

(There is not ground?)
(Because you are setting the bomb accurately to make moon collide with the earth, the plan was able to be obstructed.)《お前は!》

(It was not difficult. I only dug a tunnel that penetrated through the moon, from the right under the bomb to the other side. If an antigravity enough to change the moon's orbit due to the explosion is caused, it will push off to the other side and be counterbalanced to weightlessness. Because there is no pushed ground. Do you understand?)《それでは・・計画は・・・私の任務は・・・私の》
(Then, how does my duty become? and my mission? and my...)ψ「まぁ…気の毒だがここまでだな」
(Well,I feel sorry but You end here.)
(If you understand, the trespasser must go away please. Space*Beam*Arrow-light!)《ひっ!・・私の・任務は・・私の存在・・意義は・・わ・・》
(My duty?, my existence?, my significance?, my...)
(Are you awake?)τ「プシィ!」
(You have the duty yet. Do you understand?)τ「…わかってる」
(I understand.)
(I'll end all soon!)
(Tau destroyed the control system of the antigravity bomb by a single blow. And, she took damaged Pushii and escaped to the safety area quickly.) 
(However, the damage in Pushii who had kept receiving the cross fire with no guard was too serious and too deep.)τ「ブシィ…どうして…私を助ける必要なんて…」
(Pushii...Why did you help me? There was not necessity the rescue of me.)ψ「…まだ…言いたいことと、聞きたいことがあったからな…とりあえず、言いたいことだけ…言うぞ…」
(Because I have what I want to say and some question to you yet. For now, listen what I want to say.) 
(You are fundamentally misunderstanding the last order of Master "Rule of the metagalaxy".)τ「まさか…やめろというの?貴女もマスターの命令に逆らうの?」
(What? Do you tell me to stop it too? Do you also acted against to order of Master?)ψ「そうじゃない…まぁ聞け…私がお前の計画に力を貸すといったのは嘘じゃないぞ。問題は何のために宇宙を支配するのか…だ」
(It is not so. Become silent and listen to me. It is not a lie that I said cooperating to your plan. The problem is a reason to rule metagalaxy.)
(It is not necessary to do to prevent the destruction of the Earth. Because there is solution like the precedent that Omega sealed Sigma. If the order of Master is a reason, it is also different. Master did not order you. It was to Omega.)τ「な!」
(What do you say? The order was to all members of Space Sisters. Isn't that right!)ψ「マスターは私たちスペースシスターズをひとまとめにしたことはない。いつも個別に命令を授けてくれた。もちろん全員で行う命令はオメガにだが…命令に疑問があるときは質問が許されただろ、オメガは承諾しなかったからあの事件がおこった…解るか」
(Master did not bundled us together as Space Sisters, and always gave individual orders. Of course, the duty that all members did was ordered to Omega. however when doubting the order question was permitted. And because Omega had not approved the order, that event happened. Do you understand?)τ「じゃあ、命令は無効だというの?」
(Then, the order was invalid?)
(Yes, it is invalid. Still, we have the reason to have to execute the order. That is because to achieve eternal peace. Isn't it so?)τ「…」
(It is not because Master ordered it. Because Master wanted to achieve it, we Supace Sisters must inherit it. Do you understand?)τ「私は…ただ…」
(I...just only...)
(Eternal peace. If it only wants all wars vanished simply, it is not bad to rule everything by ultimate power as the method. However, it is not possible to keep keeping the peace only by it. Because the living thing that attaches wisdom for a moment is disliked to be ruled though it seeks shelter. Do you understand?)τ「じゃあ、どうすればいいの?」
(Then, how should I do?)ψ「…さぁ、な」
(I do not understand all.)τ「どうして?プシィ、教えてよ、いつも教えてくれたよね」
(Why don't? Pushii, please teach me. you've always taught to me right.)
(It has not understood yet though I also thought for a long time. However, the answer exists absolutely. Think how to do to succeed the dying wish of Master. You will not be able to advance through all eternity. You can't grow up for a long time if you don't think. Then, you are the same as that bomb. Do you understand?)τ「…ぃ…いっ」
(...No...not same.)
(I'm not the same as such a thing!)

(...It is an emergency contact to the defense corps from Space Tau. Release the alert. Strategy end.)
- 2010/11/18(木) 00:51:23|
- スペースシスターズ
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