■前回「惨憺たる敗北」Last Time on "Ungraceful defeat"Dangerous reunion(The First Part)
χ「ん…? 珍しい客だな」
(What? An unusual guest came.)χ「久しぶりだな。何か用か?」
(I haven't seen you for a long time. Is it for some?)β「…あんたなら、話になると思って来た」
(I thought that I was able to do a straight conversation with you. )χ「何だ? 悪いが昔の話ならほとんど忘れてしまったが…」
(Do it want you what to be told? It has forgotten almost when the event is old.) β「もう…それはどうでもいい」
(Already … It is not interested in the story.) χ「?」
(I want to strengthen.)χ「ふん…行き詰まったって顔だな。強くって、どのくらいだ」
(Indeed,Your expression seems to have come to a standstill. How much do you want to strengthen?)β「少なくとも…あんたに勝てるくらいだ」
(At least, I want power to be able to defeat you.) χ「面白い…」
(It is interesting.) 続きを読む
- 2009/03/29(日) 03:42:17|
- スペースシスターズ
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