Thank you. To all the people who see my blog.
Someone has frequently been writing the comment on an unknown English word enumeration since the other day.
I think that this is a spam comment.
Then, when commenting at a while, I decided to put "Image authentication「認証パスワード」" as measures.
Because this is a system that inputs the figure written in Japanese, I think it is difficult in the people other than the Japanese.
However, it wants it referring to the following table.
I am sorry to me for being force the inconvenience for you. Please forgive me.
- 2009/10/29(木) 22:12:45|
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- 2009/11/01(日) 09:41:36 |
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- にゃん #cwHBdaMk
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Man your figures are getting a lot more detailed. Miracle woman looks 20x more detailed than the last time we saw her. Keep up the good work :)
- 2009/11/01(日) 12:22:02 |
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- Dark_Pinoy #-
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- 2009/11/01(日) 23:20:21 |
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- MFJ #MSsD658o
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Thank you for Mr. Dark_Pinoy and the comment.
The method of inputting the comment became complex. I'm sorry.
I am glad to evaluate my CG.
I have not been remodeling miracle woman's figure since last year.
No do be known of her looking better than a past work probably because of the composition, the pose, and the lighting.
Because each part of the body emits light to her, I think looking in the scene at night to beauty or more.
I think that the level is still low of CG that I make. However, the practice is done repeatedly as brought close to my ideal little by little.
Please evaluate my work in the future seeing. Thank you very much.
- 2009/11/01(日) 23:42:28 |
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- MFJ #MSsD658o
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